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[天声人语] 天声人语(日英汉对照版) 2010/12/20 沖縄の怨念が燃えている

发表于 2010-12-20 09:33:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 abyssthinice 于 2010-12-28 21:20 编辑

VOX POPULI: Okinawan anger still present after 40 years


東京で読んだ本紙夕刊に、沖縄生まれの若い歌人、屋良健一郎さんの歌があった。「コザ暴動あるいはコザ騒動」と題した連作から一首を引くと、〈モノクロの写真の街は白く燃ゆ コザの暴力美(は)しかりにけむ〉▼

The Tokyo edition of the vernacular Asahi Shimbun recently ran a series of poems titled "Koza Bodo Aruiwa Koza Sodo" (Koza riot or Koza disturbance) by Kenichiro Yara, a young Okinawa-born poet.
Let me quote one: "In the black-and-white photo, the town burns white. The violence in Koza would have been beautiful."



In the early hours of Dec. 20 exactly 40 years ago, thousands of Okinawans took to the streets of Koza, in the center of Okinawa's main island, and set fire to more than 80 vehicles belonging to U.S. troops and others.
The suppressed fury of the long-suffering people finally erupted, leaving an indelible mark in Okinawa's postwar history.
Another poem from the series goes, "Flames shoot up from U.S. military vehicles, distorting the winter night sky over the colony."



Chojo Oyama, who was mayor of Koza at the time, was reportedly heard to mutter as he glared at the flames, "Okinawa's grudge has caught fire." When I interviewed him late in his life, I asked him, "That was Okinawa's grudge against the oppressive U.S. military rule, wasn't it?"



Oyama gave me a pitying look and fell silent. From his silence, I could not but begin to realize that what he had seen in those flames of grudge was not the United States, but Japan--or Yamato to the people of Okinawa.
The Japanese government had effectively abandoned Okinawa in the San Francisco Peace Treaty signed in 1951, forcing the people of Okinawa to continue to suffer even after the war's end.



The Dec. 20 incident in Koza has been called by various names--riot, disturbance, popular uprising and so on, depending on which side you looked at it from. For the governments of Japan and the United States, it was obviously a "riot." Similarly, when Prime Minister Naoto Kan recently said in Okinawa that "Henoko is better" as a relocation site for the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, it must have been obvious to the people of Okinawa that only the Japanese government could call the choice "better."



Yara is currently studying at the University of Tokyo's graduate school, researching relations between Ryukyu (Okinawa) and Satsuma (Kagoshima) in the 16th and 17th centuries. "The current situation is a condensed version of history from that period," he noted.
The feelings of Okinawans run deep. The people of Yamato must understand that the "magma" of anger that erupted in Okinawa in 1970 has not abated over the last 40 years.


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