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[天声人语] 20140214寒冬闲话情人节

发表于 2014-2-14 11:41:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式





最近几年,除了传统的“本命”巧克力(送给爱人)和“义理”巧克力(送给朋友)之外, “送给自己的褒奖巧克力”也开始流行起来。寓意是为无论寒暑冬夏都不断努力拼搏的自己喝彩加油。这非常好!与翘首盼春归来的这一天实在相得益彰。





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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-14 16:29:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-2-15 08:52:53 | 显示全部楼层
zdenny0001 发表于 2014-2-14 16:29

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发表于 2014-2-17 10:40:21 | 显示全部楼层
zdenny0001 发表于 2014-2-14 16:29

不好意思   有可能是当中的字节踩到关键字了。祖国太强大了没办法呀。

如果下次遇到这样情况   如果告诉您在审核  就麻烦您给我发个站内短信   我看了就马上去把帖子放出来

如果告诉你发不了   您就把原文发给我   我查看一下哪里踩雷了  

给您添麻烦了   真不好意思
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-17 11:12:12 | 显示全部楼层
VOX POPULI: Chocolate goes with any season

Grumbling about uncomfortably hot or cold weather won’t make it any better, but we grumble anyway. Here is a haiku poem from the Edo Period (1603-1867): “In summer/ We say winter is better.”When I mention this passage, haiku fans scold me for misquoting the author, Uejima Onitsura (1661-1738). The correct version, I am told, goes: “In winter/ We say summer is better.” I get the seasons mixed up because this haiku pops in my head whenever the weather is brutally hot or cold.

A little research confirmed that this passage can be found in Uejima’s collection of poems titled “Summer.” Fed up with the heat of summer, perhaps the poet tried to console himself and others by noting wryly that once the chills of winter set in, everyone will start wishing for the return of summer. I suppose this is the sort of whiny mentality that will persist so long as there are four seasons.

Author Yoshida Kenko (circa 1283-1352) wrote in “Tsurezuregusa” (Essays in Idleness): “Homes should be designed to be suitable for summer. One can live anywhere in winter.” I have the feeling that this famous passage was written in summer. This is only a guess, of course, but had it been winter when Yoshida wrote it, I suspect he would have recommended building houses designed for winter.

It looks like many parts of Japan will have more snow on Friday, Feb. 14, which is Valentine’s Day. Snow may set a romantic stage for couples planning their weekend date night, but for people in and around the Tokyo metropolitan area who were inconvenienced by last weekend’s snowfall, it’s time to brace themselves once again.

Chocolate and Valentine’s Day go together. No one is exactly sure why, but back when chocolate was first imported to Japan, the kanji character for “choko,” which is a small cup for sipping sake (rice wine), was incorporated into the kanji characters for the new delicacy. I don’t think sake pairs well with chocolate at all. But perhaps there were liquor-filled chocolates back then.Japan’s per-capita chocolate consumption today is about 2 kilograms a year.

On Valentine’s Day, the Japanese traditionally buy chocolates as presents for their loved ones. But, there is also “giri-choco,” which is given away out of a sense of “giri” or obligation. And in recent years, a new category of Valentine’s Day candy has apparently become popular. It is known as “jibun he no gohobi choco,” which literally means “chocolate with which to reward myself.” Actually, I like the idea of rewarding oneself with sweet candy for trying one’s best in any weather, hot or cold. Right now, it’s a good way to beat the winter blues while we wait for spring.

--The Asahi Shimbun, Feb. 14
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-17 11:15:58 | 显示全部楼层
Jennifer 发表于 2014-2-17 10:40
不好意思   有可能是当中的字节踩到关键字了。祖国太强大了没办法呀。


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发表于 2014-2-17 11:22:16 | 显示全部楼层

反正以后如果你看到审核的话   一般24小时内  我会放出来的。

如果想快一点  也可以给我发个短信   我看到了 就会去放出来的
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-17 11:37:38 | 显示全部楼层
Jennifer 发表于 2014-2-17 11:22

反正以后如果你看到审核的话   一般24小时内  我会 ...

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