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[英语学习] English Conversation 900(英语口语900句)

发表于 2008-9-5 08:53:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-5 09:24:10 | 显示全部楼层

Lesson 1 Greetings and Introductions(问候与介绍)

1.How are you doing?(你最近怎么样?)
2.How are you ?(你好吗?)
3.Very well,thank you.(很好,谢谢你)
5.That's very nice of you(谢谢)
6.Nice to have met you,Mr.Smith.(见到你很高兴,史密斯先生)
7.I'm a new student here.(我是新来的学生)
8.Welcome to our school.(欢迎来我们学校)
9.My first name is Robert,just call me Bob.(我叫罗伯特,就叫我鲍勃好了)
10.Pleased to meet you.(见到你很高兴)
11.Come on in and make yourself at home.(快进来,别拘束)
12.Hi! Haven't we met before?(嗨!我们是否曾经见过?)
13.How are you doing this morning?(你今天上午怎么样?)
14.Pretty good,thanks.(很好,谢谢)
15.I welcome you and your family to my house.(欢迎你和你家人来我家作客)




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发表于 2008-9-5 15:21:55 | 显示全部楼层
That's good!
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发表于 2008-9-10 10:13:02 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-9-16 14:10:46 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-9-16 14:21:32 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-9-16 14:25:32 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-9-16 16:01:26 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-17 08:40:56 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-18 15:31:13 | 显示全部楼层

Lesson 2 Talking about Weather(谈论天气)

16.Miami is the perfect place to be on holiday.(迈阿密是个度假的理想之地)
17.It's not always nice and sunny in Miami, sometimes cloudy and rainy.(迈阿密有气候并非总是晴空万里,有时也有阴天下雨的时候)
18.Hope it's going to be fine tomorrow.(希望明天会晴起来)
19.It's reported that it's going to be drizzling tomorrow.(天气报告说明天会下蒙蒙细雨)
20.It's not only heat,but the humidity as well.(天气不仅仅炎热而且潮湿)
21.I'm also caught in rainy season in L.A.(我还赶上了洛杉矶的雨季)
22.Sometimes it keeps showering for a whole day.(有时候整天大雨倾盆)
23.Sometimes it's hot like oven.(有时候热如火炉)
24.It's too hot to concentrate on books.(热得不能集中心思看书)
25.I've never felt so cold in my life like December.(我这辈子从未感到象腊月天这么寒冷)
26.Nasty day,isn't it?(天气糟透了,是不是?)
27.The temperature would jump down,too(气温也会骤然下降)
28.I think everyday's weather forecast is almost the same.(我觉得每天的天气预报都大同小异)
29.I read the weather map in yesterday's paper, which showed a driving cold wind would blow from the North.(我看了昨天报纸上的气象图,图中表明一般强冷风会从北方袭来)
30.I thought San Diego was a sunny coastal city.(我认为圣地亚哥是个阳光迷人的海滨城市)

[ 本帖最后由 yikeer0904 于 2008-9-18 15:38 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-19 09:10:35 | 显示全部楼层

Lesson 3 Invitations(邀请)

31.Don't forget our dinner in Mr.Johnson's house.(别忘了咱们要到约翰先生家去吃饭)
32.The Americans seem to give our their invitations so far in advance.(美国似乎提前许多天就发出请帖)
33.It's informal,isn't it?(这是个便宴吧)
34.He said we could wear anything we like.(他说我们随便穿什么衣服都行)
35.Steve and I are having some people over Saturday nightsort of a housewarming party for the new place.(星期六晚上我和史蒂夫有一些朋友要来参加庆贺乔迁之喜的晚宴)
36.I was wondering if you two would like to come.(我不知道你们两位是否愿意来)
37.That sounds great.(听起来相当不错)
38. Can I bring anything?(要带上什么东西吗)
39.It's basically a wine'n cheese and if you want to bring a bottle-that would be fine.(基本上是以葡萄酒和奶酪为主的宴会,如果你想带瓶酒来也不错)
40.Oh, and dress casually-it won't be anything fancy.(哦,穿着可以随便点,可不是什么化装舞会)
41.I'm afraid I won't be anything fancy.(恐怕我去不了)
42.That's too bad.(太遗憾了)
43.Can I get the grand tour some other time?(没准儿我们能另安排一个时间)
44.I've got  two tickets for a volleyball match this evening.Why don't you come?(我有两张今晚排球赛的票,你为什么不去呢)
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-24 08:52:16 | 显示全部楼层

Lesson 4 Making a Telephone Call(打电话)

45.Hello,is this 233-2567?(喂,是233-2567吗)
46.I’d like to speak to Mr.Henry Green.(我想和亨利格林先生讲话)
47.I’m sorry.Henry must be out.(对不起,亨利一定是出去了)
48.May I know when he’ll be back?(你能告诉我他什么时候回来吗)
49.I don’t know, but he will certainly be back for lunch.(我不知道,不过他肯定会回来吃中餐的)
50.This’s his wife speaking.(我是他的妻子)
51.Can I take a message for him?(要我转告吗)
52.I’ll let him know as soon as he comes back.(他一回来我就告诉他)
53.Who is it?(你是谁)
54.It’s Jane.(我是简)
55.I’m so sorry that I made such an early phone call.(对不起,我这么早打电话)
56.Who do you wish to talk to?(你要找谁呀)
57.Jane wants you on the phone.(简给你打电话)
58.Who’s that speaking,please?(请问,你是谁呀)
59.Can I leave a message?(我可以留言吗)
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-24 08:52:46 | 显示全部楼层

Lesson5 Getting People to Do Things(请别人做事)

60.I left a note saying I wanted you to get some stamps at the post office.(我留下一张条子,说我想要你到邮局帮我买些邮票)
61.Why can’t you get them?(你为什么不能买邮票?)
62.The post office is closed when I get off work.(我下班时邮局就关门了)
63.You could get them on Saturday morning.(你可以星期六上午买)
64.I know but I won’t be in town on Saturday.(我知道,可是我星期六不会在城里)
65.I’ll get them for you.(我会给你买邮票)
66.Thanks for doing it for me.(谢谢你为我做这件事)
67.Excuse me miss,could we have a table over there by the windows?(谢谢小姐,我们能不能要一张靠窗户那边的桌子?)
68.Would you mind sitting over here?(你们坐到这边来好吗?)
69.All right, sure.(那好吧)
70.Do you think you could,oh,ask those people over there…(你能不能问那边的人要一份?)
71.Excuse me I wonder if we could…(对不起,我想我们是否能……)
72.I’m sorry…honey,they don’t have one either.(对不起,亲爱的,他们也没有菜单)
73.Waitress! Um,we’d like a menu please.(服务员,请问我们能不能看一下菜单……)
74.Ah,miss,could you tell me,what’s the “soup of the day”?(嗳,小姐,请问今天的特色菜是什么?)
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-25 09:08:05 | 显示全部楼层

Lesson 6 Offering Help(提出帮助)

75.God knows if I can ever get all these done!(天知道我是不是能把这些事干完)
76.Can I do anything?(我能做些什么?)
77.We can all give a hand,you know.(你知道我们都可以帮帮忙)
78.Just tell us what we shall do.(只管告诉我们做什么)
79.You and I hang this up,OK?(你和我把这东西挂起来好吗?)
80.Do you want me to vacuum the floor?(你要我给地板吸吸尘吗)
81.I’ve got an appointment—I’m meeting a friend in London at 8 o’clock. I’ll never make it.(我有个约会――我8点钟在伦敦与一个朋友见面,我怕赶不上了)
82.I’ll give you a lift if you like.(如果你愿意可以搭我的车)
83.Could you really?That would be kind.(真的吗?那太好了)
84.It’s all right.Piccadilly’s not far out of my way,I’ll take you there.(没事儿,皮卡迪利大街离我去的地方不远,我送你到那儿去)
85.That’s very kind of you.(那真是太谢谢你了)
86.Can I give you a hand with the dishes?(我帮助你刷刷盘子好吗)
87.Don’t bother,I’ll do them myself later.(别麻烦了,等会我自己来)
88.Would you like me to fix some coffee?(要不要我给你拿杯咖啡?)
89.Let me get you an ashtray.(我给你找个烟灰缸)
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-25 09:08:36 | 显示全部楼层

Lesson 7 In the Office(在办公室)

90.You’re not looking very cheerful.(你看上去不太开心)
91.What’s the matter with you?(怎么回事)
92.I’m just a bit fed up.(我只是有点厌倦了)
93.With everything,with catching the same train every morning,sitting in same office all day,watching the same television programs…(厌倦一切,厌倦每天上午坐现一班车,厌倦整天坐在同一个办公室,厌倦看同样的电视节目)
94.You need a holiday.(你需要休假)
95.We do the same sort of job for years and years.(我们年年做同一种工作)
96.There’s no variety in our lives.(我们的生活毫无变化)
97.My job is really starting to get me down.(我的工作真的开始让我感到压抑)
98.I just don’t fell inspired about it any more.(我再也兴奋不起来了)
99.I thought you liked working in the lab.(我还以为你喜欢实验室的工作)
100.I thought it was great stuff in school.(上学的时候,我认为这是个好差事)
101.We always have a deadline to meet.(我们总要完成一连串规定期限的任务)
102.My supervisor’s so demanding.(我的头儿苛刻极了)
103.A lot of jobs and stressful,and didn’t you once tell me you thrived on pressure?(许多工作都有压力。你不是说过你在压力下茁壮成长吗)
104.I feel like I’m under too much strain these days.(我感到这些日子承受的压力太大)
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