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[天声人语] 天声人语20110309种族歧视

发表于 2011-3-9 08:51:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-9 08:58:27 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-3-9 10:19:09 | 显示全部楼层
 美国在越战中投下的爆弾数量超过了二战中投炸总量的三倍以上。我想起了当时的司令官威廉•威斯特摩兰将军在纪录片《Hearts and Minds》中所说过的话:在东亚,人命轻贱得很。▼时光虽然流逝,美国人的这种歧视观念是不会轻易消除吧。原驻冲绳总领事、美国国务院的日本部部长Kevin K. Maher发言严重侮辱冲绳,引起人们的强烈愤怒。他的话语充斥着殖民地主义的渣滓味,听着让人很不愉快。▼他是在去年12月某次对美国大学生的演讲时发表以下言论的:“比起东京人来,冲绳人最拿手的就是欺骗和敲诈。”“冲绳的人啊,懒到连苦瓜也种不好。”“冲绳人虽然口称普天间基地是世界上最危险的美军基地,他们自己心里也知道那是胡扯。”——等等,诸如此类的话。▼1995年冲绳发生了3名美军士兵强暴当地幼女的事件,当时的美军太平洋司令在记者会上言道:“花的那点租车费用本来招妓都够了……”此言一出,骂声无数。虽然时过境迁,这次Kevin Maher的发言却似乎又让人嗅出了那种陈腔老调。▼我们不应该用人与人,民族与民族,不同的人种之间的差异来衡量孰优孰劣,因为这样做最容易滋生偏见。回想起来,西方(男人)长久以来总是秉持着自己的衡量尺度,对他人粗鲁地指手画脚。日本的近代也一样,没少干这种蠢事。▼仅从其言论来看,估计Maher此人深受传统观念的影响。他的职位是美国政府对日政策的负责人,那位“租车费”司令说错话后直接就滚蛋了,他呢?
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-9 10:44:52 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-3-10 12:35:07 | 显示全部楼层
VOX POPULI: U.S. official's remarks about Okinawa offensive
    The volume of bombs the United States dropped during the Vietnam War was more than three times the amount used throughout World War II. I remember the following comment by Gen. William Westmoreland, commander of U.S. military operations in the Vietnam War, in the 1974 documentary film "Hearts and Minds": "Life is cheap in the Orient."
     That was decades ago but apparently, it is difficult for Americans to dispel such discrimination against Asians. Comments by Kevin Maher, director of Japan affairs at the U.S. State Department and a former U.S. consul-general in Okinawa, incurred the wrath of Okinawans. The remarks are so offensive that they reek of colonialism.
    I hear they were made at a session attended by university students in Washington. Maher was quoted as saying: "Okinawans are masters of manipulation and extortion of Tokyo." "Okinawans are too lazy to grow goya." "Okinawans claim MCAS (Marine Corps Air Station) Futenma is the most dangerous base in the world, (but) they know it is not true." That is not all.
    In 1995, U.S. servicemen in Okinawa raped a Japanese girl. The commander of the U.S. Pacific Command at the time came under fire for telling reporters that for the price the men paid to rent the car used in the crime, they could have had a prostitute. Of course, the situation is different, but I sense the same kind of "smell" from Maher's remarks.
    We should avoid the folly of applying yardsticks to gauge differences between people, ethnic groups and races to determine which is superior. Such thinking breeds prejudice. To come to think of it, for a long time, Westerners (men in particular) have insolently continued to use their own yardsticks to judge others. The same thing can be said of modern Japan.
    Judging from his comments, it appears Maher has faithfully carried on the torch. He is the top U.S. government official in charge of Japanese affairs. The commander who made the comment about the price to rent a car was immediately removed from his post. What about Maher?
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