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[天声人语] 天声人语20110511 停运核电站的胆力

发表于 2011-5-11 10:12:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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发表于 2011-5-11 10:57:10 | 显示全部楼层
    笔者小时候经常乘坐的长头中巴(bonnet bus),手动式的方向指示器会“哔”地一声从侧面探出。虽然那时年纪还小,却对驾驶座的小标语深以为然,因此至今还清楚记得标语是这么写的:切勿打方向盘躲闪,先把车停下!▼虽说复古式的长头中巴和核能发电站截然不同,不过最基本的安全制动道理应该是放之四海而皆准吧。中部电力公司同意了菅首相的要求,承诺停止浜冈核电站的运行。该核电站就建在未来东海大地震的预测震源区,论其危险性的话当数世界第一。在此,笔者想对政府和民众的英明果断表示支持。▼核能发电站所带来的责任并不仅限于日本本国,据说曾有位科学家对于会造成辐射污染的核试验这样说过:“谁也没想到在地球的某一处就能污染全世界。”(摘自 武田彻的《我们这样选择了“核能发电大国”》)▼前苏联切尔诺贝利核电站事故发生后,日本很多地方都检测到了放射性碘。核能发电站的毁灭性事故也会招致同样的严重事态。坚决停止浜冈核电站的运行,这已经超越了一般的得失利益,是向全世界表示我们决心的一种信号。▼落语笑话中,有一则关于买乌龟的故事。晚上在某间店铺里买下了一只号称能活万年的乌龟,谁知它一下就死跷跷了。去抱怨时,卖家解释说“它今天刚好活满一万年了。”东海大地震30年内发生的概率已经高达87%,“也许今天就会发生的概率”已经无法当成笑话听过算过一笑了之了。▼对于我们这个地震多发国的其他诸多 “豆腐底”核电站,如有必要也应有魄力停止运行。人类不仅仅是靠经济景气而活着。福岛核电站事故的惨痛教训当引以为戒。
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发表于 2011-5-11 23:56:44 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 fuyongxin 于 2011-5-12 00:01 编辑

高手!!!!  都是高手!  達者!

相当于现代汽车的 ウィンカー 转向灯。但是在昭和30年代。没有那个设备。用手动式アポロ转向器,(里面装有灯泡,发橙色光的)木棒替代! 转弯的时候,当按下操作杆会横放在玻璃窗外,告诫后面车辆我要转弯。(原理貌似和骑自行车时转弯,用手来达到传递转弯信息相似。


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-12 08:50:27 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-5-12 11:12:05 | 显示全部楼层
VOX POPULI: Are nuclear plants in Japan standing on tofu?
    The bonnet bus I often rode as a child had directional indicators that stuck out horizontally. To this day, I remember the slogan on the driver's seat apparently because it left a deep impression on my young mind. It went: "Don't fend off with the handle. Stop first."
     It may be unreasonable to compare an old-fashioned bus with nuclear power plants but I believe the slogan remains an unchanging truth as a basic action to ensure safety. Chubu Electric Power Co. agreed to Prime Minister Naoto Kan's request to shut down the reactors at the Hamaoka nuclear power plant in Shizuoka Prefecture. The plant, which sits on the assumed epicenter area of a potential Tokai earthquake, is said to be "the world's most dangerous." I wish to support the bold decision of politics and the private sector.
    Responsibility for nuclear power plants does not stop at the domestic level. Referring to nuclear tests that disperse radioactive substances, a scientist once said, "No one ever thought it was possible to contaminate the whole world from a single point on earth," according to the book "Watashitachi wa Koshite 'Genpatsu Taikoku' o Eranda" (This is how we chose to be 'a major country of nuclear power plants') by Toru Takeda.
After the 1986 accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the former Soviet Union, radioactive iodine was observed in extensive areas across Japan. A catastrophic accident at a nuclear power plant could induce a similar situation. The determination not to make Hamaoka internationally infamous is also a message to the world without regard to profits.
     If I remember correctly, there is a rakugo story about a person who buys a turtle at a night stall because the vendor said it would live 10,000 years. But the turtle dies right away and the buyer complains to the vendor only to hear the reply: "Today happened to be its 10,000th birthday." Experts estimate the probability for a major Tokai earthquake to strike within the next 30 years at 87 percent. But the probability that it may strike today is no laughing matter.
     Nuclear power plants in earthquake-prone Japan are said to be standing on "tofu." We need courage to also shut down other plants if necessary. Humans do not live by business and economy alone. This is what Fukushima's suffering is telling us.

--The Asahi Shimbun, May 11
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