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[天声人语] 天声人语 2011.11.29 二氧化碳与全球变暖

发表于 2011-11-29 10:18:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式





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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-5 15:57:07 | 显示全部楼层
VOX POPULI: Why are we helping mosquitoes?
The Japanese word "bunrai," which means the buzzing of mosquitoes, is written with two kanji characters that stand for "mosquito" and "thunder." Although the Japanese expression "ka no naku yona" (like a buzzing mosquito) is used to describe a barely audible voice, there is nothing faint about a swarm of mosquitoes buzzing in unison; it is thunderous.

Railing against these noisome bugs, haiku poet Masaoka Shiki (1867-1902) penned this hilarious piece: "Your very existence is sinful through and through/ You kill when you suck human blood/ You steal when you sneak inside the mosquito net through a hole/ You lie when you swarm around people's ears and buzz ..."That gave me a good chuckle, but a recent story in The Asahi Shimbun about much more sinful mosquitoes is no laughing matter. These pests carry malaria, and their habitats are expanding because of global warming.

What appear to be malaria epidemics have come to Kenya's highlands, where the temperatures used to be too cool for mosquitoes to survive, and the locals never had to hear their buzzing. Over the last 25 years, the area's highest temperatures have risen more than 2.5 degrees. On the African continent, where hundreds of thousands of people succumb to malaria every year, this expansion of the areas affected by the disease threatens many lives.

The 2011 COP17 (17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) kicked off Nov. 28 in Durban, South Africa.After the March 11 disaster, global warming came to be felt as less of a threat here in Japan. But it certainly hasn't gone away. Polar ice continues to melt, and the last nine months have seen extreme weather episodes around the world, including the floods in Thailand. Our planet is being damaged, slowly but surely.

In recent years, however, COP leaders have been waffling about how to curb global warming because of the conflicting interests of the United States, China and other global players. Despite the need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions worldwide, the emissions actually grew significantly last year and hit an all-time high. Why on earth are we making mosquitoes happy when we should be scrambling to stop global warming?

Unlike the radiation generated by nuclear reactors, carbon dioxide, like fire, has been around since the beginning of time. Now, carbon dioxide has become as much of a threat to the human race as radiation. In ancient mythology, Prometheus gave fire to mankind. We must not make him regret giving us that gift.

--The Asahi Shimbun, Nov. 29
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