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发表于 2006-1-24 14:48:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  [2005/12/31]  q0 d0 i% x) h
Hong Kong Agrees To Open Market to U.S. Beef
8 o9 c6 ?6 c( |$ K& jUnited States recovers most of beef trade lost since late 2003
! [+ o& D2 @# i/ a9 W# ?6 `: u
9 b9 I( I/ W( p* _+ ]: ?, C' GWashington -- The United States has reached agreement with Hong Kong for the" F# f) G& ^: e0 i$ Q7 j; G
reopening of Hong Kong's market to U.S. boneless beef from cattle younger
% E- w/ g% c5 \8 s3 g% Z* J, Lthan 30 months.
$ S; l& W1 s3 F1 f: z7 f& U
+ O, d1 p) U3 u. r) ^% FWith the Hong Kong agreement, announced December 29 by U.S. Agriculture
* H. j+ [  L0 r  l1 GSecretary Mike Johanns, the United States has recovered 74 percent of its
' L. M% {! ^1 G4 O6 d2 f; b: z; mbeef export market that closed down after a case of bovine spongiform; Y& }; G8 I- w# Z( |- N  H
encephalopathy (BSE), also known as mad cow disease, was found in December$ m, g7 a0 I8 B4 \5 t' M' V
2003 in an older U.S. cow imported from Canada.8 [3 H9 a. m" x, E  K
' n' h1 _" @& z: r9 s6 N
The agreement follows a December 11 announcement by the Agriculture
" P3 Q# P+ L5 o2 Q) P: S7 g6 zDepartment that the United States and Japan agreed to reopen Japanese
7 l3 `; n" P  [" p- n% @markets to imports of U.S. beef.5 a' D6 N/ X# I, k# s

& C* i( R* z4 K! r- S/ f7 ~: pIn 2004 and 2005, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) significantly- [6 |; t% `5 v6 h6 }
stepped up its beef cow testing and surveillance program.
1 I4 e8 P/ X. L* t
5 j# Z5 C0 s4 a- {& i$ e1 dPart of the latter effort -- to detect early any apparent case of BSE and to
6 H# T1 Y& M2 S* U: icontain the disease if needed -- has been the implementation of an animal
0 _& g7 O; s  h) ridentification system to aid in tracking suspected or diagnosed sick9 B( V( e$ E8 t9 j7 E  U( t9 d; @
animals.0 \+ y) e: m) u4 l5 I$ X! u3 ^
2 c& Y2 p, \! I+ |/ J3 h. u& ~
"This agreement follows Hong Kong's determination that U.S. control measures
; X. N6 n' J) k" B5 U/ {effectively ensure the safety of our beef," Johanns said in a statement.
- o( e5 |, n8 z( r6 I' j$ a2 H4 i- C
"USDA will continue to focus our efforts on opening additional markets in
+ j; m$ m: F6 O0 f6 AAsia and around the world by promoting the use of science-based regulations4 ^# N" [$ I7 I
in global beef trade," he said.2 C% u# [  F+ f# w# \2 I: s" y
6 u3 y+ a5 j9 E
In 2003, Hong Kong was the fifth largest market for U.S. beef products.

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-24 14:48:32 | 显示全部楼层
4 W7 N9 N0 m4 l3 Y1 l/ I7 \読んでみましょう:(日本文は英文を読む参考にしてください)3 m4 ^- A6 E5 X: }" w8 i7 |

4 H5 ~; Z5 ~/ r; J* A# M$ ]$ M" a
# q9 k4 O- ]- Y" [Hong Kong Agrees To Open Market to U.S. Beef3 }( L# t: c3 U
香港がアメリカ産牛肉の輸入に同意3 E5 q0 Z8 F; q$ y

0 I. M( A0 q# Y4 R) U; rUnited States recovers most of beef trade lost since late 2003/ W2 w( K: n4 e* m
アメリカは、2003年以来失った牛肉の貿易をほとんど回復する1 d4 D. q' Z  v1 a: k

& |1 R* m) F$ j9 W! `Washington -- The United States has reached agreement with Hong Kong for the
1 o/ [% v. @: J9 x) }/ Areopening of Hong Kong's market to U.S. boneless beef from cattle younger/ u0 H1 X5 X. f5 `
than 30 months.
+ K8 F  ^0 \# q9 R5 O9 Qワシントン発-
& F( N) Y: `1 @3 b/ |% a3 u+ kアメリカと香港は、30ヶ月より若い骨無し牛肉の市場再開に合意した。' b. U0 d6 ~$ o; h( l$ k: }! [5 z( v: h

% g4 F) x6 I' CWith the Hong Kong agreement, announced December 29 by U.S. Agriculture  K3 Q+ L" u7 T5 v
Secretary Mike Johanns, the United States has recovered 74 percent of its
8 a( K2 e8 n3 {! r" }7 @. Abeef export market that closed down after a case of bovine spongiform
9 I  @6 ^& A) B( R/ M5 F# `: }' Qencephalopathy (BSE), also known as mad cow disease, was found in December
$ h" S9 E* l/ j' _2003 in an older U.S. cow imported from Canada.
9 t& V8 p6 C& {' j6 Q! gアメリカ農務省長官Mike Johannsが12月29日に発表したところによると、
: A6 U, S; L  v7 v9 c2003年12月にカナダから輸入された牛に狂牛病と知られているBSEが見つかって以来
6 x# g8 ~- z' p+ v失った市場の74パーセントを回復した。5 y# B# M' G( e% x7 `

* }/ `* U- _( k( z$ ~* MThe agreement follows a December 11 announcement by the Agriculture2 m9 C* p$ w+ m+ m2 O+ S% l/ y
Department that the United States and Japan agreed to reopen Japanese" q( r  r  ^! D; q8 y
markets to imports of U.S. beef.6 J( b# z! Z2 J6 P8 L& a
1 b  B; Y, C' Y1 aものに続くものである。
) a' u; x  P  E2 s
# g  T. j' V) g' Q1 X+ e9 cIn 2004 and 2005, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) significantly6 \* ~) U& N+ G( m) [4 G8 h
stepped up its beef cow testing and surveillance program.
. |# S1 O  _+ o# ~4 d, C2004年と2005年に、アメリカ農務省は狂牛病の検査と調査を強化した。
  G& b4 b6 g, e% Z3 \$ }' m2 y
- r4 M7 ^& r$ \; d3 z0 {8 R) BPart of the latter effort -- to detect early any apparent case of BSE and to
! e2 E$ S- L1 l3 v! ~1 O5 L8 Bcontain the disease if needed -- has been the implementation of an animal& k. E8 h4 y2 W  D
identification system to aid in tracking suspected or diagnosed sick
7 @, |! ?( r2 |: f+ T& oanimals.
& C, u( |' M  ~! b: ?- Pこの調査は、BSEを早い時期に発見し必要なら閉じ込めるために、4 n# Y, y% _* ?4 Y; _8 c' T
& ~7 k( s7 F, M; D' x% K9 W6 G% _
  l% c/ Q0 E, s- G" _"This agreement follows Hong Kong's determination that U.S. control measures: r& s- n$ w: a- G7 i" a
effectively ensure the safety of our beef," Johanns said in a statement.5 g/ n3 |8 [3 i8 s: b* \
「この合意は、アメリカの管理手法が牛の安全を確かなものにすると香港が確信した' ]* F' s. |; |3 n) ~: X+ ~5 w
" W3 A1 l, q, b  z# N3 P: x( s, p5 _0 l2 q& R
"USDA will continue to focus our efforts on opening additional markets in; i& u$ _2 O0 Q  Y1 b, d
Asia and around the world by promoting the use of science-based regulations6 n3 v+ \' X  @
in global beef trade," he said.
8 H. b5 f4 k9 d「アメリカ商務省は、国際的な牛肉貿易において、科学に基づいた規制を推し進める! T) r9 ^8 M& A1 Y! ^
 ことにより、アジアと世界中でさらなる市場の開放に向けて努力をしてゆく」/ v$ G0 E* K% |' L) r8 P* t
+ P5 s/ W  F! c! C+ g: W
# P2 U5 c4 R# F9 W9 A6 o, [9 CIn 2003, Hong Kong was the fifth largest market for U.S. beef products.
2 R' l8 J2 a( R2003年には、香港はアメリカの牛肉製品にとって5番目に大きな市場であった。
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